• Guangdong Innovative

44340 Antibacterial Finishing Agent

44340 Antibacterial Finishing Agent

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

44340 feem ntau yog tsim los ntawmquaternary ammonium ntsevcompound.

Tnws cationicantibacterial pawgtuaj yeem tsim qhov zoohluav taws xob tebnyob rau saum npoo ntawm fiber ntau kom nqus tautus nqi tsis zood fungus.

The antibacterial pawguantawm lub cell membrane ntawm cov kab mob, uacell membrane defect thiab nce permeability.Kuvt ua cytoplasm cov ntsiab lusleak thiab tseem impedesprotein synthesisntawm cov kab mob, uas ua raudepletion ntawm ribosomes hauv cov kab mobthiab ua rau covkab mobtuag.

The antibacterial pawgkujxaiv ua ergosterols hauv cell membranesntawm fungus hloov lub membrane permeability, uas ua raulub depletion ntawmyam tseem ceebhauvcell thiab ua rau cov fungus tuag.

It tuaj yeem siv rau hauv cov txheej txheem tshuaj tua kab mob rau ntau hom ntaub ntawm paj rwb, polyester, nylon, ntaub plaub, polyester / paj rwb, nylon / paj rwb thiab viscose fiber, thiab lwm yam.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Nta & Cov txiaj ntsig

  1. Cnyob notshuaj lom neeg, asformaldehydeor hnyav hlau ions, lwm fnws tej kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.
  2. Can dissociate rau hauv cationic active pab pawg nyob rau hauv aqueous tov. Belong mus non-oxidizing fungicide.
  3. Btxoj kev-spectrum antibacterialpeev xwm:Muaj zoo heevtiv thaiv cov nyhuv ntawm ntau hom fungus, xws liAspergillus Niger, aspergillus noobthiab aspergillus oryzae, lwm.
  4. Cnyob nobenzyl chloride tshuaj. Tsawg heevtshuaj lom. Tsis muaj cumulative toxicity. Yooj yim soluble hauv dej.


Yam Khoom

Qhov tsos: Colorless rau lub teeb daj pob tshabua kua
Ionicity: Cationic
tus nqi pH: 6.0±1.0(1% aqueous tov)
Solubility: Soluble hauv dej
Cov ntsiab lus: 39%
Daim ntawv thov: COtton, polyester, nylon, ntaub plaub, polyester / paj rwb, nylon / paj rwb thiab viscose fiber, thiab lwm yam.



120kg yas chim, IBC tank & customized pob muaj rau xaiv


Peb pawgmuajpomed uathawj dyeing zeb txij thaum 1987thiab muajtau tsim qhov chaw pabcuam tshuaj lom neeg no txij li xyoo 1996. Atom qab ob xyoo caum, peb muajtxhim khoedntau tshaj ib nrabofkev ua lag luam hauv nroog hauv nroog thiab thaj chaw nyob ze. Our chaw tsim khoomhauvkev paubis ntau tshaj 20 xyoo.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb