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Foculatio et Degreasing agens pro textili Pretreatment textilia Scoring 11004
Scoring and Degreasing agent for textile Pretreatment textilia Scouring
Scoring and Degreasing agent for textile Pretreatment textilia Scouring
72047 Oleum Silicone (Soft, Smooth & Fluffy)
72045 Oleum Silicone (Ultra Soft & Smooth)
72042 Amino Silicone Oil
72027 Amino Silicone Olei
72022 Silicone Oil (Soft, Smooth & Fluffy)
72010 Silicone Oil (Soft, Smooth & Fluffy)
76123 Silicone Softener (hydrophilic, profundior & imprimis apta textibus vulcanised) silicone mollior, silicone mollior, textile silicone mollior, oleum silicone textile, oleum silicone hydrophilicum mollior, oleum silicone hydrophobicum, emulsio silicone tinctum, tingens.
76819 Silicone Softener (Soft & Deepening)
76818 Silicone Softener (Soft & Smooth)