• Guangdong Innovative

Qualitative Change of Textile Fabric and Prevention Measures


Because of the objective conditions for microbial growth and reproduction, as temperature, humidity and oxygen, etc., textile fabrics will get mildew. When the temperature is 26~35℃, it is most suitable for mold growth and propagation. With the decrease of temperature, the activity of mold is reduced,  and generally below 5℃, mold stops growing. The textile fabric itself contains a certain amount of moisture. When the moisture content exceeds the convention moisture regain, it meets the conditions for mold breeding and reproduction. There is much oxygen in which there are textile fabrics. That is an important condition for mold growth and reproduction. And for the textile fabric itself, its raw materials and the attached substance during processing, such as cellulose, protein, starch and pectin, etc., are the nutrients for mold living and reproduction. Because of the natural factors and the human factors such as unclean desizing, poor packaging or poor storage in the process of processing, transportation and storage, mold can live and reproduce. Cellulose fiber fabrics are easier to get mildew for its composition.

The prevention measure of mildew is to keep the fabric clean, dry and cold during use and storage. In the process of production, processing and transportation, the warehouse should be kept ventilated, dry, close, cool, moisture-proof, heat-proof and clean, etc. There also can adopt spray antibacterial drugs to prevent mildew.

Fabric mildew

Damaged by Worms

Fabric made of protein fiber is easy to be damaged by worms. For wool fabric contains keratoprotein, it can be damaged by worms. Although cotton, flax and synthetic fiber do not contain protein, during processing or packaging, there will be residual substance, so they can be damaged by worms.

The prevention measure of worms is to keep the fabric clean, dry and ventilated. The packaging materials should be carefully checked before stored. The shelves and beddings should be disinfected. The warehouse should be kept clean to prevent oil stains and dirt from contaminating fabrics.


Yellowing and Color Changing

If there is unclean soaping and dechlorination during scouring and bleaching, or perspiration stains during cutting and sewing, or insufficient cooling after ironing and hot packaging, the fabric will absorb excessive moisture, so that bleached fabric will get yellowing. Or the fabric is stored for too long, too humid, and poorly ventilated, it will also get yellowing. Some textile fabrics processed by direct dyes will fade due to the wind and sun.

The prevention measure of yellowing or color changing is to keep the warehouse ventilated and moistureproof. Fabrics should be kept away from direct sunlight. The fabrics displayed in the shop window and shelves should be replaced frequently to avoid wind stains, fading or yellowing.



Improper use of dyes and improper operation of printing and dyeing will lead to fabric brittleness. If fabrics are affected by air, sun, wind, heat, humidity or exposure to acid and alkali for a long time, their strength will reduce and the luster will decrease. So that there will be fabric brittleness.

The prevention measure of brittleness is to prevent heat and light. Fabrics should be stored in the ventilated place and kept away from direct sunlight. Also it needs to well control the temperature and humidity.

Wholesale 44133 Anti Phenolic Yellowing Agent Manufacturer and Supplier | Innovative (textile-chem.com)

Post time: May-24-2024