• I-Guangdong Innovative

I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa

I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, ethambile futhi ibushelelezi) isithombe esifakiwe
  • I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa
  • I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa
  • I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa
  • I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa
  • I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa

I-72066 abicone uwoyela (hydrophilic, athambile & bushelelezi) okuthe xaxa

Incazelo emfushane:

I-72066 iyinto ethambile yendwangu ethambile, enganikeza ngezindwangu eziningi nge-hydrophility enhle kanye nomuzwa wesandla othambile futhi obushelelezi.

Kuyinto multipolemer of polysiloxane, ama-polyther ne-polyamine, angangena ngokulinganayo engxenyeni engaphakathi yemicu ye-fibers bese enza isenzo ngasinye ukwenza ngcono ukusebenza kwendwangu yonke.

Inesakhiwo se-copolymer eqondile ye-copolymer, enokusabalalisa okuhle, okuhlukile futhi ingena ekusebenzeni kwemicu.


Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Amathegi Omkhiqizo

Izici nezinzuzo

  1. Ayiqukethe izinto zamakhemikhali ezivunyelwe. Ifanela izidingo zokuvikelwa kwemvelo. Kuyahambisana ne-European Union Standard of OTEX-100.
  2. Hydrophilicity enhle kakhulu kwi-cellulose fibers. Kuthuthukisa i-hydrophicity yemicu yokwenziwa.
  3. Inika izindwangu super super super, bushelelezi, i-plump, umuzwa wesandla omuhle nowesilika.
  4. Inekhono elihle le-fiber kanye nekhono lokutakula.
  5. Umthunzi ophansi ushintsha futhi uphuzi ophansi.
  6. Ifana nepropathi yokuzenzisa, engaqinisekisa ukuqina kokugeza. Kulula ukwenza i-microemulsion.
  7. Inobudlelwano obuhle ngezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zendwangu.
  8. Ilungele inqubo ye-padding and dipping yomibili.
  9. Okuqukethwe okuphezulu. Kuqiza kahle.


Izakhiwo Ezijwayelekile

Ukubukeka: Uketshezi olukhanyayo olukhanyayo olukhanyayo
Ionicity: Uhlamvu lokuqinisa
Ivelu ye-PH: 6.0 ~ 7.0 (1% khambi lamanzi)
Okuqukethwe: 75 ~ 80%
I-Viscosity: I-1000 ~ 3000MPPA.S (25 ℃)



I-120kg I-Plast Barrel, i-IBC Tank nephakheji eyenziwe ngezifiso etholakalayo ukuze kukhethwe

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